Saturday, September 10, 2011

The fam... (Tracy)

So I feel like all 2 of you that are reading this wonderful, amazing blog (really, why aren't more people?! ;) are just DYING to know about our crazy little families.  Well, since you asked I'll tell you all about mine!  I have a wonderful, caring, kind and slightly nutty (trust me to live with me and enjoy it you have to be at least a little nutty) hubby. He is all I could have asked for and more!  After 4 years of marriage and 2 kids he still makes me weak at the knees... I know super mushy right? But hey, I'm a girl and it's part of the girl code that we're allowed to be mushy.

Now, on to the munches.  Munch numero uno is a crazy little firecracker that I couldn't love more if he were dipped in chocolate and filled with peanut butter.  If you know me you KNOW that means love ;).  Firecracker is 2.  Need I say more?  He is sneaky when he wants to be, but always honest.  He knows when he's done something wrong and if you ask him he will admit it (a quality I pray about every day when it comes to my munches).  Another quality that I adore is that Firecracker is potty trained!! He decided he wanted to and that was that.  A blessing to be sure!  Firecracker will run until he can't run anymore.  Then he will simply fall to his knees and crawl until he has no strength left in his little body.  I watch him and am amazed everyday by the sheer amount of energy he contains wrapped up in that little body. 
Munch numero dos is my little peanut.  She is 3 months old and sweet as pie!  She has just recently started sleeping through the night which makes this Mama so happy!  I need my rest to keep up with Firecracker ;).  I obviously don't have as much time invested in Peanut yet, but she has stolen my heart.  From the moment I got to see her little face I have been smitten.  My heart is filled with so much love sometimes I'm convinced that it'll burst open.

So my friends, these are the people that I get to share my life, my home and my love with.  I'm blessed beyond measure.  And I haven't even told you about the rest of my crazy, mixed up family (parents, siblings, in laws etc.).  That is a story for another day.  Adios Amigos this Mama has to get the Firecracker up from his nap. ;)

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