Thursday, August 4, 2011

A pretty girl named Bath

My husband and I have been married almost 8 years.  In the almost-decade that we have been together, we have purchased a grand total of 3, yes 3, pieces of furniture.  Ah! You must have had fabulous furniture as individuals, you say.  Well, no. No, we didn't.  In fact, I had just graduated college, and had no furniture at all.  My husband was finishing up a stint as a bachelor, and had the matching furniture to go with said status.  I loathed his furniture, but that story is for another day. 

We each have very specific tastes, and it just seemed that they didn't mesh when it came to furniture. 

And then, 8 years into our relationship, all of that changed.  I decided that if we couldn't agree on NEW furniture, we would find older, better quality pieces, and would turn them into exactly what we wanted. 

With my newfound enthusiasm, I set out on the yard sale circuit. My first time out, I found this beauty.
Instantly, I fell for her.  She had been loved.  She had also been neglected.  She had class, but she also had scars.  More importantly, she had a $90 price tag. 

Now, if there is one thing you must know about me, it is this:  Although I love shopping, I love being thrifty even more.  That said, $90 is outside of my teeny, tiny budget. 

I offered my best price, they rejected.  I told myself that this piece was just not for me.  I said my goodbyes to her, and left.  I was sad, but really, I was okay with this.  I had set a budget, and was sticking to it.

Fast forward 5 hours to nap time.  With a 6 year old and a 2 year old, nap time is a necessity in my house.  A necessity that I partake in every now and then.  Unbeknownst to me, my super awesome hubby took a field trip during nap time.  He went back to the yard sale, and my girl was still sitting there.  In fact, they hadn't sold a single large item that day.  He re-offered my price, and they accepted.

My husband acheived a new level of gifting.  I woke up from naptime to my pretty new girl waiting to be revamped!  I instantly named her Bath, because that is one of her many beauty marks.  The word "Bath" is carved in her top drawer.  I imagine it was a little boy, curious of the powers of a brand new pocket knife and a little more than slightly disappointed at the impending doom known as bath time.  I am sure that his parents weren't very happy to find this reminder of his love for the stank carved in his dresser.  I however, love it.

Tune in tomorrow for pictures of her restoration.  I can't wait to show them to you!

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